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Geometry, Measurement and Shapes

Geometry Measurement and Shapes Sphere

Geometry is the area of Math that consists of concepts such as sizes of shapes, lengths and angle sizes.

Geometry, measurement and shapes can be thought of as separated into two main parts.

We have what is known as “PLANE GEOMETRY” that involves with flat 2D shapes. Also lines, curves, squares and other common shapes that we can draw on a piece of paper.

In addition there is also “SOLID GEOMETRY”, where 3D objects and shapes are the main area of study. We encounter shapes such as cuboids, spheres and cylinders.

As we start to study Geometry further, we learn how to approach finding the area, volume and perimeter of shapes in a range of different forms.
The applications of Geometry in the real world are numerous, which helps to make it an intriguing and enjoyable subject.

Geometry, Measurement and Shapes Pages


1.    Degree Measure of Angles
2.    Angles and Radian Measure
3.    Polygon Interior and Exterior Angles
4.    Angles and Triangles
5.    Alternate Interior and Exterior Angles
6.    Angles in a Circle
7.    Coterminal Angles
8.    Vertically Opposite Angles

Area of Shapes, 2D:

1.    Area Measure Introduction
2.    Area of Square and Rectangle
3.    Area of a Circle
4.    Area of an Ellipse
5.    Area of a Pentagon

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