Fractions and Decimals in Math, operate and represent numbers in a very similar way despite their differing appearance.
Both are methods presenting values, and they have been used by humans for many centuries.
Fractions in particular have been written and drawn in a variety of forms in different parts of the world over the years.
Mathematicians in ancient Egypt are known as some of the first people to study fractions, as far back as over two millenniums. They constructed different symbols to represent different sizes of fractions.
But the kind of fractions that we see and use in the modern day, have only really been that way for the last few hundred years.
The concept is best introduced with images, which can be seen in the relevant pages below.
Decimal numbers are similar to fractions in their use.
As they are an effective way of writing a number that isn’t entirely whole, instead there is a number that will have a decimal point in some place.
For example, consider the mixed number \space \bf{3 \frac{3}{4}} \space, there is a whole number part as well as a fraction part.
The whole number here is 3, and the fraction part is \space \bf{\frac{3}{4}}.
In the same way, with the decimal 3.75. The whole number is 3, while the decimal part is 0.75.
A handy way to think about it is in terms of money, in America cents are parts of a dollar, with 100 cents making up 1 full dollar.
If you have $3 and 55c, you will have 3 full dollars, along with 55 parts of another dollar.
This writes as $3.55 as a decimal.
You don’t have a full $4, but you’re some of the way there, having more than $3.
If you can follow and understand this basic introduction, then the pages below going into more detail on fractions and decimals should be clear and easy to follow.
Fractions and Decimals Pages
– Decimal Numbers Introduction– Rounding Decimal Numbers
– Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
– Multiplying Decimal Numbers
– Dividing with Decimal Numbers
– Change Decimals to Fractions
– Fractions Introduction– Simplifying Fractions
– Adding and Subtracting Fractions
– Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Butterfly Method
– Mixed Numbers and Fractions, Converting
– Multiplying Fractions, Multiplying Mixed Numbers
– Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
– Division of Fractions
– Fraction Cross Multiplication
– Change Fractions to Decimals
- Home › Fractions, Decimals