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Alternate Interior Angles Examples,
Exterior Angles

Being able to understand what’s going on when looking at alternate interior angles examples along with alternate exterior angles, really starts with learning about what is known in Math as a Transversal Line.

Transversal Line

If we have two individual straight lines, they can both be crossed over by a third straight line, which is called a “Transversal” line.

Example of a transversal line.

This transversal line crossing through  2  straight lines, results in creating  8  angles.

Angles that can be create by a transversal line crossing 2 other straight lines.

In the image above, angles  345  and  6  are the INTERIOR angles.

From these interior angles, angles  4  and  5  are ALTERNATE INTERIOR angles.

The angles  3  and  6  are also ALTERNATE INTERIOR angles.

These are angles that are INTERIOR, and also on different/alternative sides of the red transversal line that is present.

Equal exterior angles

Equal Alternate Interior Angles Examples

When a Transversal line crosses through  2  straight parallel lines, the interior alternate angles that are created will be equal alternate interior angles.

Transversal line crossing 2 parallel lines.

Angle 4  =  Angle 5         ,         Angle 3  =  Angle 6

Consecutive Interior Angles

Example of consecutive interior angles

Angles  4  and  6  together in this situation are known as “consecutive interior angles”.

As are angles  3  and  5.

They are interior angles, both on the same side of the Transversal line as one another. Thus they are called “consecutive”.

When a Transversal line crosses parallel lines, the consecutive interior angles add up to  180°.

Equal consecutive angles formed between parallel straight lines.

Angle 3  +  Angle 5  =  180°       ,       Angle 4  +  Angle 6  =  180°

Alternate Exterior Angles

It’s the case that exterior angles are also created when a transversal line crosses  2  separate straight lines.

Corresponding Angles

Corresponding angles are a mix of both an interior angle, and an exterior angle.

Example of corresponding angles.

In the above image, angles  3  and  7  together are corresponding angles, as are angles  2  and  6.

But also, angles  4  and  8  together and angles  1  and  5  together are corresponding angles too.

When the lines being crossed by the Transversal line are parallel, then the corresponding angles are equal to each other in size.

Angle 1   =   Angle 5       ,       Angle 2   =   Angle 6

Angle 3   =   Angle 7       ,       Angle 4   =   Angle 8

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